Image of Zoey Kalaitzidou

Zoey Kalaitzidou

Author - 2023

Zoi Kalaitzidou was born on a winter’s day, in January of 2001 in Thessaloniki. Since she was little, she has been losing herself inside the pages of books and that’s why she chose to study Philology at AUTh. She loves discovering new places and traveling. Traveling for her means also to travel through the melodies and lyrics of her favorite songs. Communication with people is like oxygen for her. Besides, that’s the reason why she writes articles whenever she gets the chance; to share ideas and to listen to the pulse of society.

down syndrome

+1 chromosome… benefit and not a dissadvantage

Living in a world of image and appearance, we have an absurd demand from others - but also from ourselves - to be perfect in everything we do. Anyone who deviates from this so-called "perfection" and excellence, is automatically excluded from social events. What we forget though, is that none of us…


Why do we love rom-coms so much?

How to lose a guy in 10 days, Notting Hill, 10 things I hate about you, Clueless... These are just a few of the well-known Hollywood films that fall into the genre of rom-coms. Believe me when I say that I could list many more as I have seen all - or almost all - of them. For the record, if you don…

thanasis papakonstantinou

On Fridays we Love Issue 6: Thanasis Papakonstantinou

Thanasis Papakonstantinou. His name has left -and still leaves- its indelible mark both on the music scene and the souls of the people who listen to him. Born on April 26, 1959, in Elassona, a beautiful Greek town, this man lights up our days a bit more with his talent and his uniqueness. A singer,…


Welcome to my TEDx Talk Ep.9: Playing with time

I don’t have time… I can't make it... I should’ve done it when I could… I wish I had, but I never did… I've said or thought about these phrases thousands of times in my 22 years of existence and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I suppose that all of us have at some point let time slip by, not realizi…