Image of Athena Papadopoulou

Athena Papadopoulou

Translator - 2023

Her motto is “my books and I”. She is driven by her deep love for English literature, which she majored in, but you can’t keep a dreamer on the ground for too long, which is why she transitioned to game designing. You will find her somewhere coming up with plots and twists drinking a matcha latte.


Why do we love rom-coms so much?

How to lose a guy in 10 days, Notting Hill, 10 things I hate about you, Clueless... These are just a few of the well-known Hollywood films that fall into the genre of rom-coms. Believe me when I say that I could list many more as I have seen all - or almost all - of them. For the record, if you don…


"I met people and I loved animals"

Animals have always been a part of people’s lives. It’s either because of their company, or the use of the products they provide, animals are a big part of our everyday lives. March 3rd has been established by UNO as the world wildlife day. However, animals’ abuse, wild and not, has been noted on a…

On Fridays we Love: The Villa

On Fridays we Love Issue 3: The Villa (pt.1)

Six women. A stage. An empty auditorium. Just a few hours before the curtain opens for “Villa (the road not taken)” written by Guillermo Calderón and directed by Lito Triantafyllidou. A play about collective consciousness, female nature, trauma, human history and memory. Introductions are made quic…