Image of Ioanna Koulera

Ioanna Koulera

Translator - 2023

Born in Pelion, dreaming to live in one of its little villages one day, always carrying a travel bag in her hand. A child of nature, not fully functional during the winter, awaiting for her summer trips. Her favorite hobby is daydreaming, while walking around. Her most frequent victims: poles in the middle of the road.


Walking around with "uncomfortable" feelings

I am starting to notice, as I get older, that us humans tend to push away, or rather try to completely erase, emotions that are not so positive. Anger, pain, sorrow, fear, despair, chaos. We embrace and seek only the feelings that bring us euphoria and security, both physically as well as in our so…

down syndrome

+1 chromosome… benefit and not a dissadvantage

Living in a world of image and appearance, we have an absurd demand from others - but also from ourselves - to be perfect in everything we do. Anyone who deviates from this so-called "perfection" and excellence, is automatically excluded from social events. What we forget though, is that none of us…

thanasis papakonstantinou

On Fridays we Love Issue 6: Thanasis Papakonstantinou

Thanasis Papakonstantinou. His name has left -and still leaves- its indelible mark both on the music scene and the souls of the people who listen to him. Born on April 26, 1959, in Elassona, a beautiful Greek town, this man lights up our days a bit more with his talent and his uniqueness. A singer,…

stuck casette

Stuck cassette

I look around me; wheels that constantly move on the gray asphalt, to remind us of the never-ending "journey" of time. People are coming and going - who knows where to and how many times they have made this journey. Buses, always with their route marked, pass the same traffic lights, the same stops…

girl studying

Failure or second chace?

Sunday, 7:27 p.m., Central Library of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in the middle of the exam period. The scene is quite familiar: heads bent over books, computers, and notebooks, determined to achieve their goal, which is none other than getting through another exam. When I look at the…